_ compilações do escafandro #10
Super Bock Super Rock
Esta compilação é dedicada ao 2ºActo do SBSR deste ano.

1. Arcade Fire - No Cars Go (6:04)
2. TV on the Radio - Wolf Like Me (4:39)
3. LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum (5:26)
4. The Gossip - Standing In The Way Of Control (4:16)
5. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! - Satan Said Dance (5:26)
6. Interpol - slow hands (3:04)
7. Maxïmo Park - Our Velocity (3:20)
8. Bloc Party - The Prayer (3:45)
9. The Rapture - The Sound (4:25)
10. Klaxons - Magick (3:30)
11. Scissor Sisters - Music Is The Victim (3:01)
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